
Sudamerico releases regularly free data visualizations related to South America, to help you improve your business decisions in the region. We focus on South American countries, their imports, exports, economic or cultural environment, etc.

Feel free to contact us if you want us to focus on a specific topic!

Exports de nos départements français

Cette semaine, nous avons voulu nous intéresser aux exports de nos départements français.

Quelle est la spécialité de chacun de nos départements? Qu’exportons nous dans les différentes régions et pays?

Cette visualisation présente la catégorie de produit la plus exportée pour chacun des départements, et cela pour toutes les régions et tous les pays du monde.

La liste exhaustive des produits exportés par […]

Commercial Dashboard – Colombian Exports of Coffee

Sudamerico is specialized in the analysis of Trade data. Discover an exemple of commercial dashboard, updated every month for our customer

Access to all the strategic details you can imagine: What did you competitor sell, at which price, to who? Does your customer have another supplier? Is there any new player in the market? Who is the most competitive on the […]

Brazil International Trade Visualization – Q2 2016

Every quarter, we publish a visualization about Brazil International Trade

This week, we decided to update this quarterly dashboard  with an innovative visualization. With only 4 graphes, you will be able to dissect Brazil foreign trade evolution with its 20 main partners.

Products have been classified in 1200 categories! You will therefore be able to visualize the main partners and the trends […]

Brazilian economy: Brazilian Foreign Trade visualization

Brazilian Economy: How does Brazil economic crisis impact its foreign trade?

The political and economic crisis has depressed the Brazilian currency, which could have boost its exports and decrease its capacity to import. But commodities prices have also been dragged down.. How does these factors impact Brazilian economy and its  foreign trade?

Visualize Brazil foreign trade characteristics and trends with our  visualization, including data […]

Appreciez l’évolution du commerce extérieur des pays du monde, en une visualisation

Notre visualisation vous permet de comparer les balances commerciales de plus de 250 économies mondiales, et ce depuis 1948. Vous pouvez y détecter les tendances de chaque pays, vous rendre compte de l’impact des différentes crises sur les importations et exportations de chaque pays, et de comparer les pays au fil du temps, jusqu’en 2014.


<a href=’#’><img alt=’Tableau de bord 3 […]

Dissect Brazil Trade Balance

The Brazilian currency has lost a third of its value this year, and economists expect gross domestic product to shrink 3% in 2015. Brazil Trade Balance, an important component of the current accounts, is improving.  It is now one of the rare positive sign for Brazil’s troubled economy.

From the $4 billion deficit in 2014, Brazil reached a surplus of $8 billion in the last quarter.

Sudamerico […]